The National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) has recently been made aware of cases in which third parties have used the NAPRA name and logo in their promotional materials without NAPRA’s knowledge or authorization.
These include companies promoting pharmaceutical products as well as educational groups advertising courses related to one or more of NAPRA’s model standards using the NAPRA name within the course title and in a way that infers that NAPRA is involved in the development of the course content, delivery of the course, and/or endorsement of the course, none of which is the case.
NAPRA has strict guidelines regulating the use of its name and logo and asks that they not be included in third-party promotional communications and materials without the express written consent of NAPRA. Any entity interested in using the NAPRA name or logo must apply for approval directly from NAPRA by submitting a written request at, including all pertinent details on the proposed use.
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