Le Comité consultatif national sur les annexes de médicaments (CCNAM) a tenu une rencontre le 5 juin 2022 et a proposé les recommandations provisoires suivantes (disponibles qu’en anglais) :
- Diclofenac diethylamine – for human use – when sold as a single medicinal ingredient for topical use on the skin in concentrations greater than 1.16% and less than or equal to 2.32% for not more than 7 days – in package sizes containing greater than 2.6g of diclofenac diethylamine be granted Schedule III status
- Diclofenac diethylamine – for human use – when sold as a single medicinal ingredient for topical use on the skin in concentrations greater than 1.16% and less than or equal to 2.32% for not more than 7 days – in package sizes containing no more than 2.6g of diclofenac diethylamine be granted Unscheduled status
- Diclofenac diethylamine – for human use – when sold as a single medicinal ingredient for topical use on the skin in concentrations of not more than 1.16% for not more than 7 days remain Unscheduled
L’ANORP doit recevoir toute objection à ces recommandations provisoires avant le 13 juillet 2022 en fin de journée. Veuillez envoyer toute question ou tout commentaire au secrétariat du CCNAM en écrivant à ndsac@napra.ca.
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