The NAPRA Diagnostic Tool and Learning Modules (DTLM) is an online learning program which the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) makes available to all international pharmacy graduates (IPGs) as well as Canadian-educated pharmacy professionals and pharmacy students.
The DTLM helps those who wish to increase their understanding of the knowledge and skills required for pharmacy practice in a Canadian setting and/or to prepare to meet the requirements of the pharmacy regulatory authorities for licensure in their respective jurisdiction. Originally developed as a resource for IPGs, the DTLM is also of benefit to all pharmacy professionals and students in Canada who seek to round out certain aspects of their knowledge of Canadian practice.
Program Details
Composed of a diagnostic tool and three learning modules, the DTLM addresses knowledge and skills gaps in three areas relevant to pharmacy practice in Canada:
- Knowledge of the Canadian healthcare system
- Cultural diversity and awareness
- Professional communication.
The diagnostic tool assesses the above-mentioned three areas of knowledge through a series of 45 questions, identifying specific gaps in knowledge and experience. Once the initial assessment is completed, access to three interactive learning modules is unlocked. The learning modules help participants to further develop knowledge and skills relevant to Canadian pharmacy practice in the three areas assessed in the diagnostic tool.
The DTLM learning platform is easy to access and to navigate, and guides participants through each step of the assessment and of the learning modules. The learning content is dynamic and visually appealing, incorporating short written explanations, videos, interactive activities, and simulations to aid understanding.
The program is available in English and French.
Who Can Participate?
There are NO conditions to access NAPRA’s DTLM. All pharmacy professionals, international graduates, and students alike will find information pertinent to their pharmacy practice in Canada in the DTLM and are encouraged to participate in this learning program.
The cost for the diagnostic tool and all three learning modules is $95.00, plus applicable taxes.
Participants will receive a certificate of completion once all four components have been completed. Those who require certificates of completion for individual components are asked to contact
Note: The DTLM program is not accredited by the Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) for continuing education (CE) credits but may still be noted as part of participants’ CE depending on the requirements of the pharmacy regulatory authority in any given jurisdiction.
Those who wish to enroll in the program are invited to do so as follows:
- Visit the NAPRA DTLM registration page;
- Create a new account;
- Choose a course; and
- Pay the fee of $95.00 (+ applicable taxes).
For further information and support, send an email to or call + 1 613 569 9800 (Monday-Friday, 08:30-16:30 ET).
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