The NDS Updates provide information related to the National Drug Schedules (NDS) to those that are interested. They replace NAPRA’s Drug Scheduling External Liaison Group (DSELG) email distribution list which was discontinued effective December 31, 2021.
We invite those interested in receiving information and updates related to the NDS to subscribe to the NDS Updates. Some examples of the types of communications shared in these updates include notifications of meetings of the National Drug Scheduling Advisory Committee (NDSAC), NDSAC scheduling recommendations, changes in NDSAC membership and answers to NDS FAQs.
In subscribing to the NDS Updates, subscribers are providing their consent to receive information from NAPRA. Subscribers are free to unsubscribe at any time using the “Unsubscribe” feature located at the bottom of any email message.
Note: The NDS Updates subscription list is held confidential by NAPRA. The names and contact information of subscribers are not available for sale or use by other parties.