In July 2020, the National Drug Schedules (NDS) of the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) were amended to add the following listings:

NAPRA has received a few questions about these listings and is providing additional clarity.
These new listings are for products that would contain both acetaminophen and ibuprofen combined in one oral dosage form (i.e., tablet, capsule, liquid, etc.).
These listings do not include acetaminophen or ibuprofen products that may be packaged together but remain in their own dosage form (i.e., it would be possible to take one without the other). They also do not include products that contain acetaminophen or ibuprofen in combination with other active ingredients. These types of products would be subject to the conditions of sale of the NDS based on the schedule of the most restrictive scheduling of any of the ingredients.
Further, since the NDS are implemented in a slightly different manner in each of the provinces and territories, there may be exceptions to the scheduling of certain drugs in some provinces and territories (more information is posted on the NAPRA website). NDS users are reminded that it is best to refer to the pharmacy regulatory authority(usually the College of pharmacists) of the province or territory in question for specific information about the drug scheduling rules in that jurisdiction.
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