Pharmacy educators, pharmacy regulators, pharmacy professionals and the public can all benefit from a common understanding of the practice standards for the profession, which articulate what can be expected of pharmacy professionals. To this end, the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) develops model standards of practice for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians that can then be implemented as seen fit by its member pharmacy regulatory authorities (PRAs) across Canada.
In order to meet NAPRA’s strategic plan goal to “modernize key NAPRA documents,” NAPRA has been working to update the model standards of practice for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians in Canada. With Board approval in November 2021, NAPRA is excited to see this project move forward to the publication stage. The end goal is to present an updated and revitalized common national document that helps to harmonize the standard of pharmacy care across Canada.
The final document entitled “Model Standards of Practice for Pharmacists and Pharmacy Technicians in Canada” is expected to be published in early 2022. Subscribe to NAPRA’s Updates on Practice Resources to receive a notice when the document is published, and follow the communications from NAPRA’s members, the PRAs, to find out how this model will be applied in each of the provinces and territories.
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