
New Website Launch: Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada

Pharmacists' Gateway Canada

Note: The Pilot Program to Prepare for Practical Training (P4T) concluded in December 2022. NAPRA thanks all P4T mentors and mentees for making the project a success. While the mentorship component is now completed, the Diagnostic Tool and Learning Modules (DTLM) introduced as part of P4T continue to be available online to pharmacy professionals and other interested participants, with no prerequisites or requirements. To learn more: NAPRA Diagnostic Tool and Learning Modules.

The National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) and Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada are very excited to announce the launch of our newly redesigned and fully bilingual Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada for International Pharmacists website. The new website is faster, easier to navigate and optimized for mobile users, who represent a large segment of our visitors. 

International pharmacy graduates who wish to practise pharmacy in Canada will find on the website the most current and accurate information about licensure in Canada, divided into three main categories: Before You StartHow to Apply, and Pharmacy Practice. These include a detailed step-by-step guide to be licensed as a pharmacist in each province or territory, various self-assessment tools, clarification on different pharmacy professional roles within Canadian pharmacies, as well as educational resources on the practical aspects of pharmacy practice in Canada.

Visitors to the site can also learn all about the newly launched Pilot Program to Prepare for Practical Training (P4T), which includes a national mentorship program, a diagnostic tool and three online learning modules. The mentorship program matches international pharmacy graduates with experienced Canadian pharmacists, providing them a unique opportunity for hands-on learning.

As part of our commitment to provide equal access to the widest possible audience, the new website offers an accessibility feature that allows users to select display options that best suit their needs.

As we continue to improve services and access for all, we look forward to receiving questions, suggestions or comments at

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