Note: This consultation is now closed.
This communication outlines the National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities’ (NAPRA) intent to consult publicly to help further inform our work on a project to modernize the National Drug Schedules (NDS) program. More information about the existing NDS program can be found here.
The NDS Modernization Project is a multi-phased, multi-year project. To facilitate the progress of the project, NAPRA created an NDS Modernization Roadmap, which is divided into a series of phases, each one dependent on the outcomes of the phases that come before. A summary of the roadmap is included in the consultation package.
The purpose of this phase of the project is to set one of the foundational pieces of the program, namely, to determine the most appropriate drug scheduling model for the future NDS program, including updating conditions of sale.
Following preliminary engagement with select groups of experts, NAPRA has developed a consultation package that outlines further information related to two proposed non-prescription drug (NPD) scheduling models and their associated conditions of sale for consideration for the modernized program.
We are now in the position of seeking additional input externally. We are seeking comments from the following:
- Patient/public organizations interested in public health initiatives;
- The general public who is interested in how NPDs are sold in Canada;
- Federal, provincial, and territorial government officials who work on behalf of the government on files related to NPDs;
- Industry organizations who make/sell NPDs;
- Pharmacists and pharmacy technicians;
- Pharmacy retailers and associations representing them;
- Pharmacy associations representing pharmacy professionals and other arms of the profession;
- The pharmacy regulatory authorities across Canada;
- Provincial and territorial regulators involved in overseeing the regulation of dentistry, dental hygiene, dietetics, medicine, midwifery, naturopathy, nursing, optometry, paramedics, podiatry, and other regulated health professions, as appropriate; and
- Domestic and international researchers/academics whose work involves the regulation and sale of NPDs in Canada and abroad.
To download the consultation package (available in English), click here.
To submit feedback, we ask that you use this link to a Microsoft Forms document. We ask that you only provide comments using this link, which will allow NAPRA to organize and synthesize your comments in a timely and efficient manner. If you are participating in this consultation on behalf of an organization, we ask that only one response per organization be submitted. The consultation will be open for comments until 4 p.m. Eastern Time, on July 19, 2024.
Thank you in advance for taking the time to review the consultation package and provide feedback on this phase of the NDS Modernization Project. NAPRA greatly appreciates your collaboration and welcomes any comments you may provide. Should you have any further questions or concerns regarding this consultation, please contact ndsmodernization@napra.ca.
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