
NAPRA 2024-2028 Strategic Plan

The National Association of Pharmacy Regulatory Authorities (NAPRA) is pleased to share highlights of its new Strategic Plan, a five-year plan developed to align with NAPRA’s renewed vision of Pharmacy regulatory excellence. Building on past progress and articulated around a keen understanding of the most pressing concerns of its Members – the pharmacy regulatory authorities across Canada – in a rapidly evolving healthcare, pharmacy, and regulatory landscape, NAPRA’s 2024-2028 Strategic Plan outlines clear priorities for action in strategic areas that will drive the association’s focus in the coming years.

National Dialogue on Key Facets of Pharmacy Regulation in Canada

In the face of historic labour shortages, there is an increased focus across all levels of government on facilitating labour mobility between Canadian jurisdictions for health professionals and expediting the licensure of internationally trained health professionals. As the regulatory bodies for pharmacy in Canada, NAPRA’s Members are at the forefront of efforts to tackle the challenges of cross-jurisdictional movement of pharmacy professionals and accelerated foreign credential recognition for international candidates while safeguarding patient safety. Although these challenges have increased in urgency and complexity recently, they have always been present, and are of ongoing and long-term importance to NAPRA’s Members. A related issue in the efforts to ensure consistency, fairness, and quality pharmacy care across the country is role definition for pharmacists and pharmacy technicians within the Canadian healthcare context. NAPRA will expand its pivotal role in leading, organizing, and facilitating its Members’ efforts as they engage in a national dialogue to deepen their understanding of the processes, issues and differences across jurisdictions in these areas of focus.

Strategic Engagement

As the national alliance of all Canadian pharmacy regulatory authorities, NAPRA is uniquely positioned to be the eyes, ears, and voice for its Members at the national/pan-Canadian and international levels. Building on a track record of successful engagement with Health Canada, the federal and other government agencies, and various health-related professional organizations on behalf of its Members, NAPRA will focus on growing its capabilities for strategic engagement with key parties over the long term to ensure that the perspective and the voice of Canadian pharmacy regulators are heard, respected, and sought after on matters pertaining to pharmacy regulation.

Central Coordinating Role

NAPRA’s central coordinating role focuses on opportunities for NAPRA’s Members to solve, respond to, or navigate issues they encounter in an as streamlined and consistent manner as is possible. Pharmacy regulation is best served when all pharmacy regulatory authorities share knowledge and are aware of how activities occurring in other jurisdictions might impact theirs. NAPRA will work to maximize its role as the key platform for Members to discuss and take a multi- or cross-jurisdictional approach, where possible, in addressing common issues in the practice of pharmacy in Canada. This includes expanding efforts to facilitate connections and collaboration among NAPRA Members and continuing to support the implementation and maintenance of major programs and initiatives requiring a national lens, such as producing model documents for Members to adopt or adapt for use and centrally managing the National Drug Schedules and Pharmacists’ Gateway Canada.

Threaded throughout the 2024-2028 Strategic Plan for the next five years will be ensuring NAPRA’s organizational capacity to continue to work with its Members to move Canadian pharmacy regulatory excellence forward.

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